Sunday, June 16, 2024

Botanical Garden Art Exhibit


I mentioned in yesterday's post that I took a breather in the air conditioned part of the Crystal Bridge to cool down before I returned to tropical forest.  In that part of the bridge they had the requisite gift shop and they also had a gallery space for art exhibits.  The theme for the exhibit I saw was "Wings and Wildflowers: An Oklahoma Pollinators Art Exhibit". There were some great art pieces in this exhibit. These two above were my favorites of all of them.  The artist is Gina Alusi.  I think they are beautiful. They would look great hanging just about anywhere.

These two were very nice too.  I liked the thickness of the paint and iridescent colors.  The artist for these two is Nichole Montgomery.

I liked the brightness of these two.  They were painted by Paige Busick.

These two are the work of Kyna Burnett.  These two are digital illustrations full of different patterns and textures. The reflections in the glass were impossible to escape.  

This last one also had glass over it.  This watercolor was painted by Leslie Waugh Dallam.  I just loved those Ladybugs. 

Viewing all this art gave me something fun to do while I cooled off after the heat of the tropical garden.


  1. The importance of pollinators.

  2. All of these pieces are great, Sharon.

  3. An interesting assortment! I'm all about celebrating insects, so I like them all.

  4. They are all beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
