Sunday, April 14, 2024

Orchid Tree


I saw this orchid tree as I was driving past and decided to stop and snap a few photos.  I love these trees especially when they are blooming and full of their beautiful flowers.

Spring has been making a colorful showing this year in the desert southwest.  I'll keep my eyes open for more flowering signs of spring.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Public art is abundant in London.


  1. The orchid tree blossoms are beautiful

  2. So pretty, for so little time. Stop and smell the flowers while they are here.

  3. The flowering signs of spring are so beautiful!

  4. Wow. I have never even heard of these trees. Stunning, Sharon.

  5. I love these too! We used to have one in our yard when I was a kid. (We called it a "Florida orchid," but clearly it's not!)
