Saturday, April 13, 2024

Birds at the Garden


I did take the time to capture a few birds with my camera when I was at the garden last weekend.  Here is a favorite, a Gambel's Quail perched on a rock.

This fellow was examining the tables and chairs near the little cafe.  I checked my bird guide and I think this might be an Abert's Towhee.  

This female Gila Woodpecker was busy poking her head in and out of the hole in the cactus.  She might have been feeding some young in there.  Either that or she was looking for a new nesting spot.


  1. The quail is looking so nice there

  2. I love it when you show us a quail, Sharon. I have never seen one.

  3. You have such patience to wait for the birds to be ready for their closeup.

  4. Bird photography is tough and you have some beautiful shots. I really like the woodpecker.

  5. That last one must have a good beak to be able to peck through that cactus.

  6. I always love your quail photos!
