Saturday, April 6, 2024

Evolution of a Fallen Saguaro


Back in 2021, I posted a photo of this cactus near where my doctor's office is located.  You can see that post here.

In march of 2022, I took this photo of that same cactus.  It was still standing and still looking tattered and torn.

In March of 2023, the poor thing had finally fallen.  I remember when I took this photo that we had experienced some serious wind storms over the winter so I'm sure one of those storms caused it to fall.

I was just here again on Thursday and I couldn't resist another photo.  It looks like much of the remains have broken down or been carried away by animals but the root trunk is still standing.  It's been interesting watching it over the past 4 years.


  1. It would be interesting to watch if new plants grow back in its place over time.

  2. It must have been quite old judging by its size, Sharon.

  3. It looks like lots of birds were living in it -- hopefully they weren't home when it fell!

  4. The tree logs and tree trunks are looking fabulous!

  5. I like you watch my natural surroundings, following endings and beginnings.
