Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Winter Blooming


There were a few things blooming at the garden like this Kearney Sumac.  Those little balls of bloom were attracting lots of bees.  

Bougainvillea blooms all year long but this one glowing in the sun was looking so pretty, I just had to snap shot.  

This is a type of peavine that tumbles over a wall at the garden.  It was starting to bloom for everyone to enjoy.  


  1. The flowers are looking delicate

  2. It will be a while before I can take a similar bunch of photos. Nice with all the colors.

  3. Lovely to see the colours, Sharon.

  4. Crocuses and daffodils are starting to bloom here.

  5. It's always so cheerful to see colour at the end of Winter.

  6. I love bougainvillea. It's one of the rare plants that just won't grow here. (At least I've never seen it here.) Not enough sun, I suspect.
