Tuesday, February 20, 2024

An Exercise in Patience


I was craving a walk at the garden on Sunday so I set out knowing full well that it would be a busy place.  After all, February and March are the biggest tourist months for the Phoenix area.  I decided to give it a try anyway.  Once there, I decided to take a few photos inside the front cactus garden.  I took a seat on a bench and patiently waited for gap in all the groups of people walking by.  I think it took about 8 minutes to find this clear moment.

I took these two shots just to give you an idea of how crowded the trails were.  I still managed a nice walk and I did find two or three places that were quiet enough to enjoy the outdoors.  

I enjoyed the walk in spite of all the crowds.  


  1. Maybe go there one day and focus on portraits?

  2. I hope the tourists stay on the designated trails and not go off to get that one photo that they must share on Instagram or TikTok or whatever other social media outlet is out there. Some people can be so clueless!

  3. I prefer photos without people, busy season can make that a challenge. You have more patience than I do, and it shows in things like the bird photos.

  4. That is a lot of people there, Sharon. Still, it is good to get out.
