Monday, November 20, 2023

Through the Window


I found this mural in that alley in Phoenix that is full of murals.  This one was painted by Maggie Keene.  She is the artist who did that wonderful tribute to David Bowie several years ago.  She painted 8 panels depicting David Bowie in his many personas.  You can see them here and here.  

This mural is more sketch-like which seems appropriate since Ms. Keene is a professional sketch artist.  There is a dreamy sense to this one.  Is that young lady dreaming about meeting her favorite rock star?

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


  1. Reminds me of that classic A-ha video.

  2. I like the colors, soft and cool.

  3. It feels dreamy to me too, Sharon.

  4. Definitely inspired by A-ha, as Stefan pointed out!

  5. Definitely influenced by A-ha. I like it.

  6. Okay, I just went to look at that video. You are all right, it is obviously a take on that video. I don't remember ever seeing that video before.

  7. I knew the song, but didn't put it together with the mural. Had to look it up like you did, Sharon. Wow. It IS an A-ha moment and a charming mural!

  8. I was going to say it looks like the Swedish band A-ha music video, but I see others have already said it.
    It's very well done.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.
