Sunday, November 19, 2023

A Walk in the Rain


Saturday morning was a wet one here in the desert but that didn't stop me from taking a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  It was my first visit to the garden in several weeks and I wasn't going to let a little rain stop me.

I got lots of photos of plants and blooms dripping with raindrops but not one single bird or animal.  They were all hiding away somewhere trying to stay dry.

I didn't expect the garden to be busy on such a rainy day but, I was wrong.  It was very busy.  The parking lot was full of cars and most of the trails were full of people.  

I even climbed up the high trail so I could get a view out over Camelback Mountain and show you the cloud filled sky.  By mid-afternoon the sky had cleared and it was bright and sunny once again.


  1. Nice view from the trail, expecting rain and snow in Haninge today.

  2. Such a pretty place in any weather.

  3. You'd think the birds and animals would be out in the rain, since it comes so infrequently!

  4. Beautiful view, must be a wonderful place to walk.

  5. I often wonder where the birds hang out when it rains. I'm surprised that it was so busy there, Sharon.
