Thursday, November 30, 2023

The Ripple Effect


I stopped at the Phoenix Art Museum last weekend and on my way in, I noticed how the gusty wind was blowing the flag in front of the museum.  

I decided to take a few shots and see if I could catch it straight out.

I wasn't able to get the shot I wanted but after seeing the photos downloaded, I decided I liked them just the same.  I love the way the fabric has rippled into different shapes.  Watching it was almost hypnotic. 


  1. It was showing its best performance!

  2. Great shots, flags can be fun to watch and photograph.

  3. I have tried the same kind of shot here too with the same results although the stripes on your flag make this quite interesting, Sharon.

  4. Nice shots. It's a challenge to get a fll flag extended photo.

  5. Always uplifting to see our flag! Long live democracy. There are two sides to every story and if you can't explain the other sides you don't really even understand what's going on and you can't help. We need to listen to one another. Stop playing. Gotcha. Aloha!

  6. Beautiful photos, helped out by that lovely sky!

  7. You can see how a flag would be an inspiring sight in some circumstances. (Or a terrifying sight in others, I suppose.)
