Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Art Gallery at the Shopping Center


When I went to Biltmore Fashion Park on Saturday, I parked at the far end of the shopping center away from the stores I wanted to visit.  I was thinking it would be good to walk the length of the center.  The far end is where I found the birthday celebration and guard dog I posted yesterday.  I also found an art gallery that I didn't even know was there.  

The gallery was full of contemporary art pieces like the three above by Michael Gorman.  The horse above is the one that caught my eye when I was walking by.

I liked this one too.  It was created by Jay Kelly.  It has a shiny surface so there is a bit of reflection on this photo.  

The lion looks like it's composed of strips of newspaper.  So, it's not a paper tiger, it's a paper lion.