Saturday, October 28, 2023

My Last Day in London


I did my shopping on Thursday so I had Friday to do whatever I wanted.  I decided to head south of the Thames and check out the area I stayed in 18 years ago.  (where does the time go?) I took the tube to the London Bridge station, emerged from the station and had no idea where I was.  I thought I'd recognize the area around the station but it was completely different.  I eventually found my way.  

Among all the new buildings I found a series of whimsical sculptures that were attracting a lot of young children and their parents.  Truth be told, they were attracting the older set too.  They were all created by the art team of Gillie & Marc.  

Aren't these fun?  I loved them all.  

By the time this gets posted, I'll be sitting at the airport waiting for my flight.  But my London photos won't stop.  I've got so many good ones that I'm sure I'll find a way to squeeze some more in.  


  1. Ha, great art, and a classic London view.

  2. That was a nice trip, thanks for sharing!

  3. There is a nice Hilton at Moore Place

  4. They are fun.
    Have a safe flight.

  5. Love the sculptures, Sharon. We have one of theirs in the Yorkville neighbourhood and I always enjoy seeing it.

  6. everyone is a critic:

  7. 'The Factory' by Gillie and Marc - youtube

  8. I have really enjoyed your trip through London. Great commentary and images.

  9. I love an artist with a sense of humor.

  10. I like them all, especially the last one.

  11. Great sculptures! So fun. Yes, that area around London Bridge has changed SO MUCH, even in the 12 years we've lived here.
