Sunday, October 29, 2023

Home Again!


I'm home again and I'll make this post a short one because the long flight and even longer day has me headed off to bed to hopefully sleep all night without waking up.  HA!  But I'll be missing all the green of London and the little hints of fall in different places like Green Park pictured above.

That's where I found these unusual blooms that were attracting the bees.

And where I found this pretty vine climbing up a wall and fence.  


  1. Thanks for posting before a good and relaxing sleep... hopefully. : )

  2. A short but pleasant trip, Sharon.

  3. Time flies when your having fun.

  4. Glad you're home, safe and sound! The unusual bloom is ivy, which is a very important source of food for pollinators at this time of year (when most other flowers have faded).

  5. Welcome home. Thanks so much for the photos and reportage from London.
