Sunday, August 6, 2023

I Must Be in California


I must be in California when my lunch spot has lots of fish hanging from the ceiling.  My flight was smooth and on time but, picking up the rental car turned into a very trying situation.  It took longer to get the car than the whole fight to California.  

By the time I got to my destination, I was starving.  I had a very late lunch at this place called Bear Flag.  It was either the very best fish taco I've ever eaten or I was so hungry anything would taste good.

But the view from the balcony is worth all the waiting.  The view and the cool breeze. I'm going to enjoy it while I can.


  1. Quite a different climate too I expect.

  2. These creatures look oppressive during dining!

  3. Great view Sharon, enjoy your trip.

  4. I'll bet that breeze is welcome after living through the Phoenix summer so far.

  5. Interesting marine sculptures at the restaurant. Nice view from the balcony.
    Enjoy your trip.

  6. That is a gorgeous view.
    Enjoy, enjoy...

  7. What a beautiful view! Glad you're there but it's too bad about the rental car. It's always something, right?!
