Monday, August 7, 2023

A Long Walk on the Beach


I started my day on Sunday with a long walk on the beach.  There is nothing like the sound of waves crashing and the misty sea air start the day on a good note.

The tide was low exposing lots of rocks that were encrusted with mussel shells. I don't think I've ever seen so many shells stuck to all those rocks.  

I stopped at my favorite little koi pond hoping to find some pretty waterlilies.  I was lucky, I found one in my favorite color.


  1. These mollusks look incredible

  2. Pretty waterlilly. Did you pick any mussels for lunch?

  3. Hope you had a very pleasant walk on the beach.
    Rocks and mussels... a very common site back home. : )

  4. Where were you walking? I don't remember an ocean beach in Phnoix. I agree walking along the ocean is so good for both mind and body.

  5. It all looks so relaxing, Sharon. And must be a lot cooler for you.

  6. I need to spend more time along that coast.

  7. It must feel great to be walking the beach after so much time in the desert!

  8. Some of my fondest memories are of days at the beach.

  9. The waterlily is beautiful. So much beauty to see on a beach walk.

  10. I know how refreshing it is to be by the ocean after a long break, it calms and invigorates at the same time.
