Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Tops of Tall Buildings


The tops of two midtown buildings that I've featured on this blog before.  The glass building to the right is the One Lexington condo building located on Central Avenue.  Around 3 years ago, I posted some photos taken in that penthouse at the very top of this building.

The other building is that big curved building I've featured many times on this blog.  It's the one that people have nick-named the piano roll building.  You can see it here and here.


  1. It does look like a piano roll building!

  2. I can almost hear the music.

  3. That is a lot of glass, in that much blue sky.

  4. It would be fun to tour a lot of the penthouses in these tall towers, Sharon. You were lucky to see that one.

  5. The perfect name for the piano roll building.

  6. I called it the IBM card building. And I lived just two blocks east of it for years.

  7. Nice shot and an interesting contrast between the structures!
