Saturday, July 1, 2023

Theme Day: Climate


The climate in the part of Arizona where I live is arid desert.  Most of our days tend to look likes this, cloudless, blue skies and a dry landscape.  In the summer months we face intense heat which has already started this week which you can see from this screen shot from my iPhone.

The holiday weekend is looking like a hot one.

However, we do have some days like this one from a few months ago.  I have lots of photos of clouds and storms across our area.  That's because it doesn't happen often and when it does, it's something to celebrate.  

The City Daily Photo bloggers theme for July 1 is "Climate".  You can see other climate photos here.


  1. Funny you don't have much clouds. We are glad here when we have no clouds at last...:)

  2. My father loves those blue skies, I don't know how I would cope with the summer heat.

  3. I couldn't think of anything to do for the theme and our air has been really smoky this week from forest fires up north so no great sky shots to be had at all.
    I don't know how you handle that heat, Sharon.

  4. Those are very hot days. I wouldn't feel too well there.

  5. I miss Arizona, especially the sunsets. I don not, however, miss June. The two we experienced drove us out. The murals you find are just amazing, there is so much talent in your area. That dog really is living his best life, especially with his own personal fan.

  6. A very hot forecast for the week. I wouldn't do good in this kind of heat. Stay cool.

  7. I don't miss the long hot summers of Phoenix. But it's nearing 100 this week in Prescott Valley! I'm staying inside.

  8. I love the arid landscape views.

  9. I don't miss hot summer either but I must say we are on the way to have hot summers too, it was in the 90's last year and it's looking like it will be this year too and no rain.
