Tuesday, July 4, 2023

The 4th of July!


Today is the 4th of July or Independence Day here in the U.S.  There will be lots of flags flying in the breeze (if we have a breeze).  One thing is certain, it will be hot.  As I am posting this, the prediction is 112 degrees.


  1. Happy 4th!
    It will be very hot here too. Heat warnings have been issued.

  2. Happy 4th. Stay cool if possible, Sharon.

  3. I'm guessing the temperature of 112 degrees is Farenheit? I'll have to look that up in celsius but it sounds high.

  4. I have two flags out, one large, one small. The big one is definitely flapping in the hot breezes here.

  5. 112 degrees? I wonder how humans adapt to temperatures like that. It has been in the 90s in Connecticut and New Hampshire today and the governments have opened air conditioned buildings for citizens to cool off in.
