Wednesday, July 5, 2023

My Favorite Garden Blooms


I've posted many photos of Desert Rose blooms on this blog.  I can't help myself.  They are a favorite of mine and I can't seem to resist another photo.  

I thought I'd show you the whole plant for two of them.  This one produces pale pink blooms.  All of the plants are in large pots.  They can only be outside in the late spring through to the late fall.  Once the temperature starts dropping into the 40's at night, these plants have to be protected so the Desert Botanical Garden moves them to a greenhouse.  They cannot tolerate the cold.

They can get quite big as you can see from this photo.  I've never actually been around when they move these but I'm betting it takes some heavy-duty equipment.  This one produces the rosy-pink blooms.

They don't have a scent and I only occasionally see the bees around them.  In the late fall, some of them will lose most or even all of their leaves.  When they bring them back out in the spring it takes a while before they start to bloom.  Many times they will have pretty flowers before they have any leaves.  There are around 10 of these plants scattered around the garden in various locations.  At one time or another I've probably photographed the blooms on each of them.


  1. So pretty, they draw you back, like bees to a flower.

  2. I like both colours of them, Sharon.

  3. Quite nice in their distinctive pots. The colors match very well.

  4. They're such bizarre plants -- but yes, beautiful too!

  5. I was just thinking this morning of what kind of flowering plant could stand the nearly all-day sunshine outside our front door. Perhaps this is the answer, at least in the summer.
