Monday, July 17, 2023

That's Quite a Mustache


This is the latest iteration of murals on the side of Just Blaze, the business that sells paints and supplies for mural and graffiti artists.  This particular wall changes periodically and it's always interesting to see what the latest version has to say.  I see that the mustachioed gentleman has "Suns" tattooed on his fingers and "Just Blaze" tattooed on his arm.  This must be another tribute to our basketball team, the Phoenix Suns as well as a shout-out to Just Blaze.


  1. I am sure this mural has a message... and yes, it could be the Phoenix Suns.

  2. And a drive in the sun, in the valley of the sun.

  3. He looks like a friendly chap, Sharon.

  4. I'll be glad when the tattoo craze dies out. Though I will probably have died out before then.

  5. Looks like a fun mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

  6. That's a very overgrown moustache, very 1970s

  7. How clever of them to pay homage to the Phoenix Suns. Sounds like Just Blaze is a great help for and to mural artists.

  8. I am oddly reminded of Saddam Hussein.

  9. I wonder if that's a specific individual? Maybe someone associated with the shop?
