Sunday, April 30, 2023

The End of April


Here it is, the last day of April.  The palo verde trees are in full bloom, casting a yellow glow all over the city.  And, the temperature is predicted to be 100 degrees today.  

After a colder than usual winter, we are having a hotter than usual spring.  Normally, we wouldn't hit 100 until the first of June.  Mother Nature is truly not happy about what we humans have done to the atmosphere.  

Summer is just around the corner!  We desert dwellers need to brace ourselves.  


roentare said...

Beautiful cacti

Andy said...

I have been told that April is the only month with a fool... and May has lots and lots of flowers.

Travel said...

The bloom is pretty, the car washes will be busy.

RedPat said...

We are having cooler than normal temps and it looks that way for the next few weeks. I can't imagine 100˚ weather, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

It's been cooler than usual in these parts.

Catarina said...

You will be needing a portable fan. : )

Steve Reed said...

That's too hot too soon, for sure! The trees are pretty, though.

Aimz said...

I do love the cacti, wish we had more here, I'm guessing your Summer here is extremely dry?