Wednesday, April 5, 2023

More Construction at the Mall


Around four years ago, I had some photos of one arm of the Scottsdale Fashion Square mall under construction and then later I posted some photos of how it looked after the remodel.  Well now the south wing of the mall is undergoing the same remodel.  I walked in a week ago and was greeted with bare floors and bare infrastructure.

There used to be two escalators over there to the right where all that scaffolding is set up.  I was surprised to see them gone.  A saleslady told me that the construction workers show up at night after the mall closes and then work all night and disappear when the mall opens.  It will be interesting to see the changes when they are done.

By the way, with all the malls all over the world closing because of lack of business, for some reason this one seems to be still thriving.  


roentare said...

At least your mall is doing well. Ours here is not even bothering to fix the lift and stairs

Andy said...

Good luck! The malls are not like they used to be.

William Kendall said...

I imagine the location might be ideal.

RedPat said...

It must be a dusty place for the businesses when they open up in the morning.

Travel said...

I like the industrial apocalypse look.

Stefan Jansson said...

The mall closest to me is a sad sight these days with many closed shops.

Bill said...

Maybe one of the few malls doing a remodel. They're not so popular these days.

Aimz said...

At least your mall is still being used, there are many here that are not as popular as they use to be.

Steve Reed said...

Well I'm glad a mall somewhere is doing well! Wonder what they're doing with that space where the escalators were? An elevator? Or just newer escalators?

I didn't realize AllSaints is in the USA. I think it's a London chain, unless our AllSaints is different.