Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Falling Leaves


While most places in the northern hemisphere are looking at trees that are already bare, the leaves here are just starting to show their colors and fall to the ground.

This last weekend, I found a whole row of trees that have turned a brownish-yellow and are dropping leaves to the ground. 

We do see seasonal changes here in the desert southwest. They just happen at different times.  


  1. A subtle four seasons, like Florida.

  2. Looks like a pleasant day, -7C at my place today, and very windy.

  3. Yes it is a usual view in Autumn here too!

  4. Thanks for explaining that the trees lose all of their leaves. I always thought it only happened in the north. Never too old to learn, eh? The trees do look good in all their colours.

  5. It is nice to see some leaves on a tree. It is about -6˚C here this morning and we see no leaves.

  6. Subtle! Do you know what kind of trees those are?

  7. Our leaves are finally gone. We are going through a cold spell right now with temps at -3C. Icy roads and footpaths, people are being told to stay in and avoid the roads.

  8. It's been winter here for awhile our autumn goes early and boy, I love the trees. Just so pretty with all the oranges and golds and fun. Delightful. Cheers, Ivy.
