Sunday, November 6, 2022

Capturing the Sparkle


I was at the Desert Botanical Garden Friday evening and I took the opportunity to snap a photo of this sculpture with a dark background.  This one is jet black but the finish has sparkles in it and every time I took daytime photos, it was impossible to see the sparkles.  This one is a bit better.

This is another of the Rotraut sculptures that are currently on display at the garden.  I wrote about them back in mid-October when they first arrived at the garden.

I haven't developed a fondness for these sculptures yet.  They are very nice but it might take a while for me to adjust to their shapes and colors in this desert setting.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I have a visit to a historic California hotel.


  1. Different from what I used to. The first one looks like a treble clef

  2. Interesting, but I am unsure what they represent

  3. I think I am with you on these, Sharon.

  4. I have the same reaction as Travel -- what do they mean? Or are they just meant to surprise us with their unpredictable shapes and colors?

  5. I am going to be in Phoenix and Tucson around January 20th, if you would like to meet while I am there, email me I want to see Desert Botanical Gardens, and we meet Spo for dinner while we are there. I should book travel in the next week or so.

  6. They are definitely different, I wonder too what they mean or represent.

  7. That first one reminds me of one I've seen here.

  8. I like them, they kind of remind me of someone's signature.
