Thursday, July 14, 2022

Weekend iPhone Photos


I had my iPhone camera at ready last weekend and took a few shots to share.  

Above, I was hoping for a spectacular sunset but that orange glow was all that appeared.

To the right is a tree that spoke to me.  I'm not sure what it was about that tree but I felt compelled to take its picture.

I had lunch at a restaurant near me that has a very nice patio for dining but, since it was 113 degrees outside, no one was using it.  However, you can see those misters working overtime to try to cool the area down a bit.  It wasn't enough to attract any diners.

This last one was a car in front of me at a traffic light.  The "Problem No Problem" wheel cover caught my eye.  I guess if your jeep gets upside down, that would be a problem.  


  1. Eyes wide open to the joys around us. The tree is special,

  2. An interesting group of pics, Sharon. I can't imagine 113˚.

  3. Definitely too hot for anything.

  4. Ha! I suppose that's what the wheel cover means?! I can't imagine 113º temperatures. That tree is a very bright, spring-like green.

  5. You have a good phone, I don't think my android would take such clear shots

  6. That's a pretty sunset. Yes, even with shade and misters, when it's that crazy hot, I would chose inside!
