Friday, July 15, 2022

Impromptu Dinner


One day last week, I watched a local restaurant review program on TV that reviewed a Mexican Restaurant called Otro Cafe.  The people reviewing the place made it sound so good, I decided I needed to give it a try.  Yesterday afternoon I asked my friend Glenda if she wanted to join me so off we went.  The restaurant was pleasant inside with both tables and booths.  We were seated in one of those booths you see in the photo above.  

The reviewers raved about the enchiladas so I knew that was what I needed to try.  I got two chicken enchiladas, one with red sauce and the other with mole.  Both were incredibly delicious.  I was genuinely impressed.  The service was good and the food was exceptional.  Even the guacamole you see at the top of the photo was delicious.  This is a place I'll return to.  


  1. Good Mexican food is a true joy.

  2. That looks deliciously Mexican!! I would go to that restaurant again and again. : ))

  3. These look real mexican food! The ones I see in Australia are very bland without the spice!
