Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Eighth Year of Construction


I've posted photos from this house before starting back in 2016 when I posted a photo taken in 2014 of a very large house under construction.  Then I posted photos again in 2020.  One in March when I mentioned how long this place had been under construction.  Then I posted another in May when the very tacky statues started showing up.

Last weekend, I walked by there again thinking that I'd finally get to see the finished house.  Wrong!  It's still under construction.  There were still a lot of workers coming and going and the landscaping is still not done.  As you can see, the tacky statues are still around the place.  I couldn't help wondering what the neighbors must think with that construction going on around them for so long.  I also wonder what they think about those statues.  


biebkriebels said...

That is a very long time indeed....

Gemel said...

It's rather hideous to me.

Andy said...

There's something strange in the neighbourhood. ‹’’›(Ͼ˳Ͽ)‹’’›

Steve Reed said...

Let's be charitable and assume that the construction has been slowed by Covid-related supply chain issues, and not by bad taste. :)

RedPat said...

It will stand out in the area whenever it is done. More statues to come?

Catarina said...

It is a huge house!

Bill said...

That is an extremely long project. I'm sure the neighbors will be happy when it's done.

Stefan Jansson said...

We have a few houses like that in my area as well. Weird.

Aimz said...

It's a very big looking house to me, wonder how much bigger it will get if it's still being added to.

William Kendall said...

It's like the Winchester House- the construction will never end.

Jack said...

Unbelievable! Supply chain issues are hurting some projects, but nowhere near that long!