Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Evolution of a Garden Bench


The last time I was at the Desert Botanical Garden, I took a photo of this small, semi-circle bench that is found on the Center for Desert Living trail where the herbs and vegetables grow.  I wanted to see if the wide angle lens on my iPhone would capture the whole thing.  

When I got home and sorted out the photos, I realized that I had taken other photos of this spot before so I started looking for the older photos.  I took this one in 2017.  All that growth around the entrance to bench kept it pretty well hidden to the point where I'm guessing many visitors never noticed that it was there.

Two years ago, they cleared out some of that growth so the entrance was a little more obvious.  However, as long as I've been going to the garden, I've never seen anyone taking advantage of this little resting spot.

These last two photos were taken in 2012 when this bench area was created.  As you can see it was long before they had even planted anything in the center pot.  I do recall that shortly after this they planted a skyflower bush in the center.  I remember taking photos of the blooms.  However, that bush got so large that it sort of took over the space.  I think that's why they replaced it with the cactus garden we see today.


  1. Sweet memories. I love photos like this when one can look back and see what happen over the years.

  2. I liked the leafy entrance. A nice spot to contemplate the magic of a garden.

  3. The shot with all the leaves at the entrance is the nicest even though it blocks the entrance a bit.

  4. Looks like a nice little resting place -- a good spot to sit in the warm sun.
