Sunday, February 20, 2022

Silver & Gold


I attended a member opening celebration for a new exhibit at the Heard Museum Friday evening.  It's all about the Silverwork done by Native Americans.  There were a lot of antique pieces in the show as you can imagine from the dates shown in the show.  It was especially interesting to learn about how the different styles of concho belts were designed and used.  (If you aren't sure what a concho belt is, check the link for images.)

While I was at the celebration in the courtyard of the museum, I snapped another photo of that Art Deco building next door.  This time I captured a brilliant, golden sunset in the lower right corner.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  A visit to an old west town.


  1. Great silver work from that part of world. I was disappointed when the Older Indians Conference went virtual this year, it was scheduled for the MGM hotel just across the river and the conference always has artists and jewelers.

  2. It sounds like a wonderful show, Sharon.

  3. Looks like an interesting exhibit. Do you have photos of any of the pieces?

    I've seen those concho belts before but never knew what they were called!

    Nice pic of the Deco building!

  4. Sounds like a great show to see. Love the photo of the Art Deco building with the sunset, wonderful composition.
