Saturday, February 19, 2022

Homes with History


I've got three homes to share today from three different historic areas in Phoenix.  This first one comes from an area called Los Olivos.  I love the dramatic gables on this one.  Even the garage in the back has a steep roof line and the gates that match.  

This small, pueblo style house is located in the Yaple Park neighborhood.  This one has a style that fits right into the desert environment.  

This last one was found in the Windsor Square area and it has more of a Spanish ranch house feel to it.  I love all the arches and the tiled roof.  

Driving around in some of the historic neighborhoods, I never know what interesting Architecture I might found.  


  1. The very different styles, hard to pick a favorite here.

  2. Nice houses! That second one especially seems very distinctively Arizona.

  3. I like them all but especially the 1st one, Sharon.

  4. Those houses are all beautiful. I can't decide which I like the most so it's a 3 way tie. :)

  5. That first one would fit in nicely here.

  6. All three are great but I prefer the first one. That may be the Anglophile in me.

  7. Thanks for sharing the house photos. I have loved architecture ever since I was a kid. Love looking at homes in magazines or real life. Loved your posting today.

  8. They all have such character but I like the 2nd to last one.
