Monday, November 1, 2021

Theme Day: Great Big Mess

 I had to go pretty far back in time for this shot.  In fact, I had to dig into the box of old photos to find this one.  It dates back to 1994 when I was living in Mesa in my favorite townhouse that I featured a month ago.

One afternoon, I was working at my desk in another room when I heard a very loud crash.  I ran to the kitchen to find that a shelf in my pantry had broken and sent a very large stack of dishes crashing to the floor.  As I recall, I was able to salvage a few of these dishes but the the majority were broken or chipped. It was quite a mess.  

My dad (bless his heart) came over with his tool box and fixed the shelves so they wouldn't break again.

Today's City Daily Photo bloggers theme is "great big mess".  When I learned the theme, I wondered if I still had a photo from this incident. I'm lucky I found it.

To see other big messes, click here.


  1. I hope you had lots of crazy glue. ۜ\(סּںסּَ` )/ۜ

  2. That must have been heartbreaking, Sharon!

  3. Wow! That was a big mess all right!!

  4. You are right, that was a big mess indeed.

  5. Oh no! That picture breaks my heart just to see it!

  6. Yikes! That had to be dismaying.

  7. That was a mess. I should have joined in . Had this promising casserole in the oven.tonight.Chicken,rice, stewed tomatoes, black olives. Oh it smelled so good. Went to get it out of the oven and it slipped out of my hand. Broke all over the floor. I just finish a bowel of Cheerios. 😢

  8. oh no, but good your handy dad was able to sort it out.
