Monday, August 9, 2021

Smoke Form A Campfire


I found this mural in an alleyway near downtown Phoenix.  It appears to depict the desert plants and birds engulfed in the smoke from a campfire.  Since wildfires are such dangerous things in our desert environment, maybe the message is to make sure campfires are well contained and put completely out.  At least that's the way I'm going to interpret this one.  I didn't see an artist's name.

Update:  I learned that the artist's name is Mac.  A friend of mine let me know.  Mac (MacKenzie Schneider) happens to be the niece of a another friend.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


  1. A good message. We are suffering from smoke floating this way from California!

  2. A nice way to brighten up the wall

  3. There definitely is a message there and people should follow the advice of the artist.

  4. Wildfires will kill plants and animals.
    Great mural and message. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

  5. Cool mural! I interpret the message the same way.

  6. I think that you read the message correctly, Sharon. There seem to be wildfires everywhere in the world.

  7. Simple yet striking at the same time. Love it.

  8. I didn't see the fire at first, so it made sense once you shared your interpretation. Nice way to get a message across, too.

  9. All in the family. Hey! That'd be a good name for a t.v. show.

  10. Very cool mural, I think the desert plants and scenery would appeal to me the most.

  11. Imagine that Sharon, it's a small world, so good to have the artist's name. I like the mural very much, there's a strong message there, fires started carelessly cause so much damage to bush creatures ✨
