Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Clusters of Red Berries


Here are few photos I took this last winter on a walk at the Japanese Friendship Garden.  The garden has two or three of these Brazilian Pepper trees and during the winter months they produce these bright red berries.

The berries are sometimes harvested and dried and sold as pink peppercorns.  In fact, I have some in my spice cabinet right now.  I don't use them often but I have used them to give a light peppery taste.

They certainly have a sort of "holiday" look to them.  They make me think of the holy berries used in Christmas decorations.


  1. They look very pretty and festive.

  2. I wonder if the birds eat them, great color

  3. Berry nice. ≧◔◡◔≦

  4. I thought of Christmas too when I saw them, Sharon!

  5. They look wonderful against the blue sky backdrop Sharon, very festive 💜

  6. We used to decorate our house at Christmas with Brazilian pepper! Unfortunately it's an invasive species in Florida -- I think it's even illegal to plant it.
