Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Pine Cone


We had several monsoon storms during the month of July and with those storms comes a lot of wind.  The wind helped many of our local pine trees drop some cones to the ground.  Someone picked this one up and balanced it on a rock.  I thought it looked kind of pretty sitting there so I took a photo.  

Since I was standing under the pine tree, I decided to point the camera up and snap a couple of shots of some pine cones still attached to the tree.  Why stop at one shot when I could have three?  

I still think the one on the rock is very pretty.  It would make a nice greeting card.  


  1. Pine cones carry special cargo... seeds of the next generation.

  2. I like them, they look so creative constructed. As a child I always took them home when I found one under a tree.

  3. All three images are gorgeous Sharon, pine cones are quite a complicated construction 😉

  4. They make me think of Christmas. Thanks, Sharon!

  5. I haven't seen pine cones for a while.

  6. I think the background is what makes that first photo -- the soft focus of the greenery behind the cone.

  7. Pine cones are very handy things especially in winter.
