Thursday, August 5, 2021

After a Symphony Performance


In early February of 2020, I went to a symphony performance with friends.  So much has changed since then that it seems even longer ago

I was looking through my photos and found these photos that I took that same night after the performance. We were walking to the parking garage and we passed a gallery that was still open so we went in to have a look around.

The gallery was showing works by Roman P Reyes.  There was quite a large collection of beautiful paintings and interesting sculptures, all with a Mexican look to them.

There was quite a lot to look at in this gallery and we enjoyed meeting the artist and looking at his works.  I wonder if this gallery is still there.  I will have to look for it the next time I'm in downtown Phoenix.  

There are so many things we haven't been able to do in so long.


  1. The first photo got my attention. That's a interesting variety of different sizes, shapes and colors that look interesting.

  2. That looks so nice, I would leke to have a look there.

  3. Seems like just yesterday, seems like so long ago. Galleries can be so much fun,

  4. A reminder of how much times have changed, Sharon! Hopefully we will get back to normal.

  5. Pre-Covid seems like a lifetime ago, doesn't it?

  6. Some interesting pieces here.

  7. What a super space Sharon, gorgeous colourful art, reminded me a wee bit of Frida Kahlo's work. Hopefully more galleries will start opening up 💜
