Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Cruising Central Avenue


Does anyone remember "cruising"?  I grew up in Illinois so my "cruising" days were there.  It's my understanding that back in the 60's, Central Avenue was the place to cruise if you lived in Phoenix at that time.  Last weekend, I took a cruise up Central Avenue.  To be honest, I enjoy driving on this street.  I like to see the midtown buildings and the light rail.

I decided to snap a couple of photos right out the windshield as I made my way north.  I was stopped in traffic when I took both of these shots.  The top one was approaching the intersection with Thomas Road and the second photo was  a little further up the street at Catalina.  


  1. No cruising in my younger years instead I rode horses.

  2. I can remember my father making snide remarks about Sunday drivers, out for a slow cruise, we now do that, take a drive to no place in particular just to get out of the house.

  3. I like cruising on a Sunday morning when there is no traffic...

  4. Nice scenic views of the city.

    And she'll have fun fun fun
    'Til her daddy takes the T-bird away.

    "The Beach Boys"

  5. The cruises here often involved stopping at a particular burger place. Times have changed now though.

  6. I do remember cruising Sharon 😊 Alert from the palm trees Phoenix looks quite a lot like Perth 💜

  7. Central Avenue has changed a lot since the old days of Pat McMahon and Cruising Central. For instance, the Big Boy is long gone!

  8. I don't remember ever "cruising" myself but I know the concept from "American Graffiti"!
