Thursday, August 19, 2021

Cattails and Palm Trees


I drove to Papago Park last weekend in the hopes of seeing some water birds around the lagoon.  There was not a bird in sight the entire time I was there.  I usually always see birds here but on Sunday, none were out and about.  The birds must have been gathering in some other location.

So, I snapped a couple of photos of the cattails at the edge of the lagoon with the palm trees in the background.  

I'll look for birds another day.


  1. No birds but the green plant life put on a show for you.

  2. Amazing what will grow in that climate when you add water

  3. Two super images Sharon. That happens here sometimes too, a body of water with not a bird in sight, really quite odd 😊

  4. The birds found a better place? It would be hard to find something better than what you showed us here, Sharon!

  5. The pictures turned out well, anyway! Maybe it was too hot for the birds? I'm not sure what time of day you visited but you might try early morning or late evening. I think birds are more active then.

  6. Perhaps with the chilly temperatures in Phoenix the past few days the birds have gone south for the summer! 😎
