Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Archived Oddities


I was wandering through my archived photos this last weekend and weeding out a few here and there when I came across a few odds and ends I thought might warrant a showing.  

First up is a white winged dove stretching his neck to look at something.  I'm not sure what but he does look interested.

To the right is a profile image of a statue I've featured before on this site.  It's a giant blue head that sits in front of a Scottsdale art gallery.  You can see a full face image here.

Speaking of Scottsdale, here is another image from that city.  Along Fifth Avenue in Scottsdale is a place called Alien Donuts.  I snapped this photo of a few of the outside decorations a few months before the pandemic started. The photo has been sitting in a folder ever since.

Above is a closeup of the fountain in the city square of Carefree Arizona.  I was about to delete this one but I love how the photo captured the drops of water so it escaped the trash pile.

This last photo was taken back in May when I visited the Phoenix Art Museum.  I did a post about some new paintings on display by younger artists and that one to the right was one of them.  When I stepped back to get a broader view, I spotted the gentleman seated and couldn't resist another shot.  There is always something unexpected to see at the art museum.


  1. The colours on the dove are gorgeous Sharon, the blue around the eyes 💙 Love the close up of the blue face, I remember your first shot. Glad you held on to the water falling shot, lovely to see. The last shot made me smile, that young man needs to pull up his trousers, it distracted me from the art 😉😊

  2. Where would we be without our archives, nice photos!

  3. Love them all. You never know when the offbeat, is going to be the right beat, glad you shared these, glad you saved them. Mitchel would refer to the last one as a coin slot, spot a nickel in.

  4. LOL that last photo is a cracker LOL

  5. I am am glad you were looking archived photos... it was worth it.

  6. These were all worthy of being posted, Sharon!

  7. I am glad you kept these photos. Worth looking at them. Mainly the last one... ; )

  8. I'd go to a place named Alien Donuts. I love the sculpture face!
