Saturday, July 24, 2021

The Blessing of Rain


It rained all day yesterday and is supposed to continue raining through Sunday!  It has been so long since we've had steady, all-day rain that it feels a bit like something to celebrate.  

We were supposed to have our Art Challenge Club meeting last night but had to call it off.  Rain like this causes a lot of street flooding and many of our members have to drive all the way across town.  We thought it a safer idea to postpone the meeting.

I'm sure we will be back to our normal sunshine and heat by next week but for now, I'm enjoying this change in weather.  


biebkriebels said...

Rain can be a relief after a period of hot dry wheather. But sometimes there is too much of it as here the last weeks in the South part of our country that caused heavy floodings. Now everything is normal again some sun, some rain.

Andy said...

Where have all the people gone?

Travel said...

A rare sight in the desert. I think I know that shopping center, Spo's favorite watering hole is around the side.

RedPat said...

The rain must have cooled things off nicely for you, Sharon!

Catarina said...

In your region rain is really a blessing.

William Kendall said...

Enjoy it while it lasts.

Steve Reed said...

WHEW! Enjoy it! I like your rain pics, particularly that first one.

Bill said...

The rain must feel good. We're in the middle of a heat wave. Temps yeserday were in the mid 30s C. People here aren't used to the heat and it feels overbearing. It's supposed to be back to normal in a few days they say.

Aimz said...

Here have some of ours, its been an extremely wet winter.

Gemel said...

I know how you feel Sharon, enjoy the rain. Over here where I live we are having the wettest winter in years. It's delightful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's a shame about the Art group being cancelled Sharon but I bet everyone in the group was thrilled about the rain 😉