Friday, July 9, 2021

Low Flying Aircraft


I haven't been to the Desert Botanical Garden since the beginning of June because it's been too hot to be walking in the desert.  When I looked for the photo of the crested saguaro that I posted yesterday I found a few more that are worth posting.  In the one above, I caught a very large bumble bee buzzing around a saguaro bloom.

Here is another photo of an old favorite, the Desert Rose.  They are so pretty, I can never resist another photo.

A beautifully shaped agave.

And lastly, a lovely Yerba Mansa bloom.  There are many of these clustered around the pond at the garden. 


Gemel said...

Beautiful photos Sharon.

biebkriebels said...

Beautiful! And you captured the Bumble Bee very well!

Andy said...

The first photo is awesome. Well done Sharon!

Travel said...

Bird or bee? Such nice colors in the flower.

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful.

RedPat said...

The pic of the agave is lovely, Sharon!

Bill said...

I love your first image with the bee fying in. Awesome capture, Sharon.

Veronica Lee said...

Fabulous captures! The first image is a stunner!

Steve Reed said...

Nice selection of photos! I love the desert rose. The flowers look so delicate for such a harsh environment. (Much like many cactus blossoms.)

Aimz said...

Looks very interested in those flowers, hopefully he gets what he needs from them.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful series of images Sharon, love the incoming bee and the desert rose is gorgeous 🌺