Saturday, July 10, 2021

No Stars....Just Stripes


Around the 4th of July I am used to seeing lots of flags flying at homes and at businesses.  However, I don't expect to see a Union Jack floating above a house.  Maybe an "expat" is residing here.  Whatever the reason, it was an unusual find and well worth a photo.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Ready for the big game tomorrow.

Andy said...

“The British are coming!” Where is "Paul Revere" when you need him?

RedPat said...

Celebrating England being in the soccer final tomorrow!

Travel said...

An English family member was known to wish us a happy treason day.

Steve Reed said...

TRAITOR! Just kidding. I'm sure someone in the household is British!

Aimz said...

I guess before when people were allowed to travel, they moved to different countries, whoever it is they are proud of their heritage.

Bill said...

Maybe they're ready for the big game against Italy.

William Kendall said...

It would have to be.

Janey and Co. said...

That would stand out.

Catalyst said...

I've often threatened to get a pirate flag (skull and crossbones on a black background) but my wife has more wisdom than I and has forbidden it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Well that was unexpected Sharon 😉

Jack said...

It was probably someone supporting England in the game against Italy. I watched the game. On the one hand, it was very physical, much more than one expects from a supposedly "no contact" game. On the other hand, it was annoying how many players faked injuries, hoping to get a call on the other team.