Saturday, July 17, 2021

Purple Flowers


My friend Julie has an abundance of flowers growing in her garden areas and many of them have purple blooms.  Since I love purple blooms, I've snapped many photos of them at various times of year.  I can't name them all, I just admire them.

I think these might be called sky flowers but I can't be sure about that.  

These pretty blooms are in a large pot along with a cactus that makes a nice background.  


biebkriebels said...

Looks great, I never know names of flowers, only tulips...:)

Andy said...

Beautiful... flowers are never boring. They can make anyone smile young or old.

Steve Reed said...

A nice assortment! I don't know what they're called either, although that second one looks a bit like a type of lilac.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Some beautiful flowers your friend has

Travel said...

Very intense colors

William Kendall said...

These are beautiful.

Catarina said...

That is a nice colour.

RedPat said...

The purple tones are lovely!

Spare Parts and Pics said...


Bill said...

Beautiful flowers and colours. I can't identity flowers either. :)

LuiZ FernandoS said...

The last ones are named Wolf Mouth in Brazil

LuiZ FernandoS said...

Antirrhinum majus, also known as Lion Mouth

Aimz said...

Beautiful, to me purple is a calming colour.

Gemel said...

Delightful so pretty.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Beautiful blooms they are Sharon 💜

Thérèse said...

They look like snap dragrons to me... if I remember but the names are fading away in my memory pretty fast. They are beautiful.