Monday, July 19, 2021

Meditation Head & More


I found this mural when I was driving around the downtown area.  It seems like I can always find new murals in that part of town.  

I found out that this is a collaboration mural.  The so called "Meditation Head" was painted by Doug Bale.  Then Miguel Ibarra added the flamingos and Aaron Lim the desert sunset clouds.  It's located on the side of the Trans Am Cafe on Grand Avenue.

Taking part in Monday Murals!


Stefan Jansson said...

They did a good job.

Andy said...

This is really different than the murals that I am familiar with. I am wondering what the artist had on their mind.

biebkriebels said...

They are both cute!

Steve Reed said...

You can definitely tell the variation in artistic styles between the different artists. I love the meditation head -- very thought-provoking. I'd put a poster of that on my wall!

Gemel said...

Quite psychedelic that meditation head.

Travel said...

The meditation appears to reveal all three faces of the person. Nice work,

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love the meditation head, psychedelic and groovy come to mind 😉 Happy group of flamingoes prancing, altogether a fun mural 💜

RedPat said...

They made a good team when painting this, Sharon!

Margarida Pires said...

Que lindo mural!
Um beijinho sorridente!
Megy Maia💛😊💛

Sami said...

I can see three heads in one in that meditation mural. The flamingos are quite quirky too.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Thérèse said...

It looks like the murals are sprouting everywhere. It's nice.

The Art Blogger 54 said...

The 3-way collab works well. The meditation head is superb

Bill said...

The mural is well done. I like the three meditation heads in the mural.

Klara said...

unusual. faces look sad.

Catalyst said...

I like this one.

William Kendall said...

Very well done.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Taken as a whole, this is a quirky mural. Taken individually, I think the artists all did a great job, especially since they were all so different.

Aimz said...

They kind of remind of of the "Yellow Submarine" illustrations by the beatles.