Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Good Wine, Good Friends, Good Food


My good friends Julie and Dave had friends over Friday evening for a wine tasting event.  We all gathered in their breakfast room with the men sitting at the breakfast bar and the ladies on the sofa.  I was listening intently to the tasting notes when I looked up and saw this fabulous view out that window.  I decided to capture it with my iPhone.

A few minutes later, we were waiting to see what kind of sunset we would get.  It was an overcast day so we weren't sure how it would turn out.  However, at one point the sun peeked through those clouds and provided some interesting light.

While all of this was going on, Julie had a prime rib and vegetables in the oven.  So after the wine tasting class and after the sunset, we sat down to a very fine meal.  Thanks Julie & Dave.  It was a delicious evening.  


  1. No potatoes? Great view from that window.

  2. Lucky for you to have so many friends... the sunset is spectacular.

  3. What a gorgeous home Dave and Julie have, oh la imagine eating meals with that view to enjoy, stunning Sharon 💜

  4. A stunning view from the window and a delicious meal to top it off.

  5. Beautiful sunset though I'm afraid the stake is too underdone for me

  6. The view and the food look good but the chairs are unusual.

  7. Looks like a great evening! That steak looks amazing. I'm impressed at how even the light is in your first shot -- a good exposure outside and good inside, too. Did you use HDR?
