Monday, July 5, 2021

Colorful ARIZONA!


Here is a recent discovery, a mural representing Arizona in giant, colorful letters.  I found it on Indian School Road on the side of a bar/lounge.  Each letter was painted by a different artist and the background by another artist.

Here's the list of artists.  A very talented group, they are.  You might notice that there are lights above the mural that light it up at night.  I need to see how that looks. 

Taking part in Monday Murals


  1. Delightful mural. The results are surprising when a group of artist work on the project.

  2. I really like this one Sharon.

  3. Looks amazing Sharon, the artists worked well as a team 💛

  4. Wow, it is absolutely beautiful. I love it!

  5. That's beautiful. So much better than those ugly tag images.

  6. I see the different styles and they are all really colorful and well done. I think my favorite is the background, though, because it actually reminds me of Arizona.

  7. What a group! I admire the organisation and the results.

  8. The letters are wonderful but I love the background too, the mountains, the cacti...just beautiful!
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

  9. I like that mural, colour in the middle of black and white is eye catching.
