Tuesday, July 27, 2021

A Walk In the Rain


We had a rainy weekend here in Phoenix and all that rain brought the temperatures down to reasonable levels.  I decided to take a walk at the Desert Botanical Garden.  The skies were overcast but it wasn't raining at my house when I left on Sunday morning but it was raining at the garden when I arrived.  I decided to give it a try anyway.  It was a short but wonderful walk.  

I love seeing everything shining with water.  I and my camera both got a bit wet but I still loved every minute.  

I don't often see the Chihuly sculptures dripping with water so I stopped for a photo.  All and all, it was a very pleasant weekend and nice break from our searing hot temperatures.  


Andy said...

#1 photo grabbed attention. The first thing that popped into my mind was Gene Kelly. Go figure eh!

biebkriebels said...

Yes rain can be refreshing, but not to much and to long....

William Kendall said...

The cacti must appreciate it.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

How wonderful Sharon, one of your favourite places all shiny and fresh in the rain.. I can almost feel how that would have been for you 💜 Super rainy day shots.

RedPat said...

It is raining here right now which is not an unusual thing this summer. It does help to keep things green though.

Catarina said...

I am glad the rain brought a brief respite before the heat wave comes back.
I like walking in the rain...

Janey and Co. said...

We have had a bit too much rain up here! Rain can make for some pretty photos. Nice job.

Travel said...

Makes me think of Ricky Martin

Steve Reed said...

I'm sure taking a walk in the rain is an IMMENSE relief, when you've been living with searing sunshine for so long!

Gemel said...

What a beautiful garden that is.

Aimz said...

I see so many textures there in plants, does it get humid when it rains?