Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Final Piece


I went to the Desert Botanical Garden on Friday to see the last piece of the 3-part art exhibit called "Wind, Water, Earth".  I posted photos of "Water" on March 2nd and photos of "Wind" on January 23rd.  Now it is time for "Earth".  The artists, Natasha Lisitsa & Daniel Schultz were "inspired by the colorful layers seen in canyons and rock formations throughout Arizona".  

The sculpture is a formation of 24 layers of wooden "strata" and more than 10,000 fresh cut flowers.

It really is very beautiful and as you might imagine, it smelled wonderful.  The minute I entered the room, the wonderful, floral aroma enveloped me.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm making a visit to a different botanical garden.


  1. The aroma must have been heavenly, Sharon!

  2. Interesting! It looks like the flowers are dry, or fresh but drying out in the sculpture? Maybe that's a comment on the dry earth of the Southwest!

  3. Wow, the aroma must have been heavenly.

  4. That's maybe one time when masks could be helpful, especially for those of us who are scent sensitive. :-)

  5. The grand finale! 10,000 flowers raises questions though...

  6. Oh my gosh it's fabulous Sharon, wish I had a few vases full of those gorgeous roses about the house. I can absolutely imagine the perfume as you walk in the gallery 🌹

  7. It looks wonderful, but I can't help myself from asking how much 10,000 freshly cut flowers cost and how long they will last.
