Friday, April 9, 2021

Signs of the Time


While I was in Tucson last weekend, I found a couple of signs to remind me of the times we live in.  This one to the left is advertising a drink called a "Quarantini".  That's one way to enjoy this time when we are all distancing ourselves from each other.

This sign was found at El Charro, that wonderful Mexican Restaurant I talked about in my post on Tuesday.  This one was reminding people that masks were required at this business and they were serious about enforcing that rule.

This last one is not really a sign.  In fact, it was an artwork that was for sale from a gift shop.  It caught my eye because it seemed to mirror all the people around who were wearing masks inside the shop.  

They were all reminders that we are living in a very unusual time.  


  1. The Quarantin sounds refreshing.
    The facemask is a must do.
    Start practising social distancing.
    All three are a sign of times for sure.

  2. I love all three pics in this post. The Quarantini is clever. The El Charro graphics are great. And I love the artwork of the last pic. I'm hoping to travel sometime in July if it all works out. This is the longest stretch of time I've ever spent here in Saudi, due to covid.

  3. Yes, Those masks..., I will be glad when that is all over...

  4. How strange to photos from this past year are going to look in 20 or 30 years. I miss good Mexican food.

  5. Unusual times... and no end in sight

  6. Who would believe that we would all be wearing masks most of the time. Let us all hope for 'normal' to return soon.

  7. Love the restaurant sign Sharon, that's what's needed at the moment, clear rules.

  8. curacao. I'm not sure about a blue cocktail! Love the mask poster with all the wrestling masks.

  9. Got to mask up these days. It sure will be weird when we don't have to.

  10. These are great. I would definitely try a quarantini!

  11. I'm liking the different mask options, hopefully this appeals to people more.

  12. I aj 100 percent in favor of wearing masks, even though I got my second shot nearly two months ago.
