Tuesday, March 23, 2021

The Robot Security Guard


I took a walk last weekend somewhere different and I found this robot security guard on duty.  It was plugged into the wall for a recharge at the time but it made all the little beep sounds as I stopped to take a photo.  It was probably taking photos of me too. I believe those are cameras around the top.

The company name on the side is Transcend Security Services which happens to be the same company that patrols my neighborhood.  I see their cars quite often.

Doesn't this little fellow look a lot like R2D2?  I felt like I should say hello.  

Tomorrow I'll show you where he was found.


Gemel said...

I wonder it these will soon be seen patrolling your neighborhood?

biebkriebels said...

Uncomfortable to pass by...

Travel said...

I like it. Kinds cute, it is a bit bulky.

Andy said...

|-o-| (-o-) |-o-|

RedPat said...

Thee is something Big Brotherish about it! It is cute though, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

If it is like Artoo, it'll beep a lot, just like the most foul mouthed character in movie history.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder how it works? Does it scan us to see if we're carrying stolen merchandise, or just photograph everyone in its path?

Thérèse said...

The idea of being scrutinized is a little bit scary but the view of this little guy makes me smile.

Bill said...

Cute, but I would like to know what it does.

Catarina said...

I have never seen one of those.

Aimz said...

oh that's interesting, I've never seen one.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

He's a little cute standing there on guard, I'm super curious as to what his actual functions are 😉