Thursday, March 18, 2021

Random Observations Around Town


Here is a very interesting sign I found in front of this nondescript  block building in north Phoenix.  Across the top and bottom it says "Agua Terra Ignis Aura" which is Latin for Water Earth Fire Air.  There was no explanation for the sign so I have no idea why it's there.  It is very attractive though, don't you think?

Next up is this office building that has been built into the ground rather than on top of it.  It is the home of an architectural firm so I think it's fitting that their office would be a little unique.  

I noticed this very young tree planted near some offices and the branches were full of these pretty, purple blooms.  I don't know what it is but it attracted my attention.  

Also attracting my attention was this pine branch full of seeds.  Another marvel of nature.

Lastly, I spotted this artwork on the side of the freeway retaining wall.  It's in an area that is hidden from nearby streets.  I only spotted it  when I pulled into the parking lot of an apartment complex.  It looks like a Native American symbol but it's not one I recognize.  To me it looks like three birds eating fish.  


biebkriebels said...

A beautiful sign indeed.

Stefan Jansson said...

Tge four basic elements?

William Kendall said...

The last is my favourite.

Travel said...

Wow! Birds eating fish, or three people playing harps, or weaving? Did earth sheltered building ever catch on? I was living in Florida when it was being touted, and ground water was a major challenge.

RedPat said...

The last one is really intriguing, Sharon! I like the architect office too.

Andy said...

You have been busy. The purple blooms are attractive.

Steve Reed said...

The pink flowers are a redbud tree, I believe. The top sign is mystifying, but it's beautiful! And I agree about the bottom one -- to me they look like pelicans.

Angel charls said...
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Revrunner said...

Three birds eating fish you say. Hmm... :-)

Bill said...

I love the last one too. I agree with you, it does look like three birds eating fish.

Gemel said...

Earth, air , fire and water a reminder of the four elements without which we would not be here. Beautiful post Sharon.

Catalyst said...

That's a nice collection of photos, Sharon.

Aimz said...

Now those cacti in pots are what I'd like in my garden.