Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


I hadn't even thought about this little holiday approaching until yesterday when I went to the grocery store to pick up something for lunch.  That's when I saw a few decorations around and of course, a few baked items.  I decided that one cookie wouldn't hurt me.

Here are a few other holiday items that were sitting out to tempt shoppers.  That's a cute pillow but I don't believe I have any Irish blood in me so it wouldn't be right to buy it. 
Enjoy the Day!



PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy St Patrick's Day Sharon, I haven't seen any signs of the day here, but then again I haven't been out and about 🍀

Gemel said...

Hope you had a lovely celebration Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

I totally forgot it was St Patrick's Day until I got to work!

Travel said...

Happy St Pats Day,

Andy said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Stay safe.

William Kendall said...

Happy St Patrick's Day!

RedPat said...

One cookie won't hurt you! I've got my shamrock pins out to put on my coat!

Catarina said...

I usually go downtown to see the parade. So much fun! Not last year. Not this year.

Revrunner said...

Ah, well, good! So ol' St. Patrick won't go forgotten today after all. :-)

Karl said...

Happy St Patrick's Day, Sharon !
The cookie looks good.

Bill said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sharon.

Catalyst said...

Sharon, me fair colleen, on St. Patrick's Day EVERYONE is Irish.

Aimz said...

From one Irish person to another - happy St Patty's day to you too

Angel charls said...

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